Don't cut your wrists! Here's something to start chase them Monday blues away!

This is a t-shirt blog, where I chronicle stuff that are t-shirt-y in nature.
Attus Apparel somewhat falls out of that jurisdiction (they're polo tees! oh my!) but a little deviation never hurt anyone.
If you're tired of seeing a laurel leaf or a crocodile on your polo tees Attus Apparel might have something for you. They are loud and snarky, the kind of logo your sainted mother would sternly advised against or disallow on the golf green.
Designs include
The Hesher,
The Jerk (nothing to do with Steve Martin) and me own personal favorite shown above,
The Sid (RIP, you crazy punk bastard, you!)
Monies: US$54And in other news...
I Love Waterloo has two new tees of
The Who (above) and
Trainspotting. And since this is a post about deviation, they also have short shorts for the ladies. Men are welcome to buy and wear it themselves.
Monies: US$24.95 (t-shirt) US$19.95
TheAnti has put out a
new t-shirt (the maskman tee) by
Noah Skillz from their
contest where you can vote for your next favorite design. It's like American Idol but without an inebriated Paula.
Monies: US$15Labels: artists, music, new