So Many Shirts and Only One Body

Where I chronicle the multitudinous array of t-shirts of various pictorials and witty sayings. Also posts of wonderment!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

All the News that's Fit to Print

How does this happen? An e-mail from Sweden comes my way, I click the link (fingers crossed that its not another penis enlarger site) and arrived at T-Post.

I thought to myself, wow this is interesting: T-shirt designs based on news stories sent out every 6 weeks but you see, dear readers... silly old me thought this was something that had transpired only recently but lo and be-friggin-hold, I click on gallery and found out they have already sent out around 20 t-shirts!

Why didn't I pick up on this? Where was the news about it back then?

Monies: 26 Euros or US$32 per t-shirt. Shipping costs are included.

PS: The e-mail I received didn't have a message in the body. Just a PDF and photo attachment. According to their website, the latest t-shirt isn't shown and I can only speculate that the above image sent to me is the latest T-post.

Gee, I wonder what story does that design be about? Hmmm.

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