So Many Shirts and Only One Body

Where I chronicle the multitudinous array of t-shirts of various pictorials and witty sayings. Also posts of wonderment!

Monday, April 16, 2007

I Predict a Riot

I have a deeper appreciation for people who have fun doing what they like. You don't see much of that now.

Now a days, you get people stuck in the rat race. Stuck in the cubicle, the fluorescent light flickering out secret Morse for ways you can kill yourself. They stare blankly at the computer screen wishing for a better job, a fun job, not this soul-sucking environ, they are stuck in until retirement.

So it doesn't matter what line of work you're in. Whether it be a fast food joint or jacking off horses (for Science!) as long as you love it, carry on working / playing. These are the small joys you get in life.

And just like the friendly people at Sub Urban Riot, it seems like their unending joy is spilled onto the canvas of their t-shirts. You can see the fun in their fabric. Wear their happy. God knows, you need it for your next Casual Friday or summer vacation.

Monies: US$15 - US39

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