It's December and there's only a few more days to get presents for yourself and your love ones but you gotta show some love for your bank account as well. So here are a few sites that are having slashed down holiday prices to appeal to your inner Scrooge.

MoonblooD slashed prices of their t-shirts within the
US$26 - US$ 28 range. There's plenty for the ladies, like the
one worn by the wolf-headed model and only
one t-shirt for the men. All t-shirts are printed on an "old-school style super soft PE tee."

Shirt Stain (you gotta love that name) is one of my favorite site to shop at. They're having a
US$20 for two t-shirts deal that's good up to the end of December. Drop two t-shirts in your shopping cart and enter the coupon code:
humbug to get your discount. Wanna know what I'm eying?
Mafia Groceries on the left and
Hokusai on the right.

3) You can't get exotic like
Quixotic Clothing. The fine lady and gent has a
US$10.99 sale for all tee (like the
godless killing machine) and to further sweeten the pot, shipping with the US of A is free.

Dirty Microbe's t-shirts are going at
US$12 a pop. Sale will last until December 26th. Geeks would appreciate
There's No Place Like ~/ tee. Update: For free shipping, enter "
discount_b7" as the coupon code. And without the quotes, you dingus!

Burnswell is also going the
US$12 per tee route. Sale also last until December 26th (hmmm, what a coinky-dink!) Nothing brings about the Christmas nostalgia quite like an
alien (who looks strangely like the third cousin removed from Mars Attack) riding in a ten-cent spaceship kiddy ride. Oh, I'm the only one who thinks that way?

6) The good folks at
Tea and Crumpets (ooh, don't mind if I do) have their fall sale of
US$12 t-shirts. Tees are screen-printed on American Apparel and Bella like the
Raincloud tee for the ladies. They would even ship it to you for free if you order three shirts or more.

6) The always fresh
Cotton Factory is going all out with their
US$10 sale with an undetermined deadline. Get your favorites like
Cult Leader,
Loch Ness Lives and my personal favorite,
Charles Darwin Smells Like a Monkey. If you're not getting the aforementioned three for the designs then get them because they are all true (Charles Darwin smells more like an unwashed ape but tomato... to

7) Q: How low can
Bedlam Clothing go? A: All their t-shirts are priced at
US$6 a piece! Six-damn-dollars! Remember, if you can't afford bling, you can afford a t-shirt that says "blingless."
Here are more.
Random Shirts - Home of the US$10 tee. Don't forget to check out the clearance sale.
Waffo - Their usual "buy two get one free on any combination of items" will end for good on 12/20/06.
Bernos - The Ethopia-centric company has its lineup at US$15.99.
Tees My Body - Each t-shirt at US$12.99, buy three get one more for free, and a US$5 flat rate shipping no matter how many tees you get. Someone should really test out that theory.
Fantastic Bonanza - 15% off t-shirts.
Oddica - T-shirts are US$15 each. Two for US$28 and three for US$13 each.
Future Relics - Everything is on sale. Even the
classic Kid Sniper logo t-shirt is back.
Aisleside - Nothing says aisleside like their US$8 t-shirts.
Oh yeah. And...
Threadless - Let's not neglect their Thirty Days of Threadless Sale, where t-shirts go for US$10 each.
Labels: cheap but not as cheap as your lover