So Many Shirts and Only One Body
Where I chronicle the multitudinous array of t-shirts of various pictorials and witty sayings. Also posts of wonderment!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
Stabby McStab Stab

It's called The Hans and Fras Store and it sounds eerily like that skit by Dana Carvey and Kevin Nealon.
But instead of pumping iron, Hans and Fras are printing shirts by hand and they look good, especially Backstabbed, which I've never seen printed on a t-shirt before.
Monies: US$22
Labels: weapons
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Funkosaur Wear

Someone had this brilliant idea for a t-shirt line, where you educate people about the Tuojianwhathellisthishitosaurus. Just pick a design and the apparel you want it to be printed on.
Also, didja know there are people out there who fantasize about sexing a dinosaur? Boy, the Internet is a cuh-razy place!
Monies: US$16.99 (Fruit of the Loom) US$18.99 (AA) US$29.99 (hoodie)
Labels: american apparel, animals, fruit of the loom, hoodie
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Tetsuwan Atomu

Chloë Sevigny (of Big Love; Boys Don't Cry) and Tandanobu Asano (Ichi the Killer; Mongol) are spokespeople of Japan's UNIQLO UT (they also have an American outlet as well). They model the latest lineup of Tezuka Osamu-inspired shirts.
Also, I think for something of this quality, they are pretty affordable.
Monies: US$15.50
Friday, April 18, 2008
Whatever Happened to... Shirt Stain?
Does anybody know what happened to Shirt Stain? I thought that was an impressive line up, especially Ole Ivar Rudi's Corleone's Oranges.
Labels: question
Shirts in a Line Up
For your weekend, I like to introduce top 10 shirts to get arrested in.

This is number 6.
Labels: humor
Thursday, April 17, 2008
A Girl With a Point

Tasty Tees has a new shirt (kinda reminds me of Imogene's Antlers) from Liza Corbett. I'm excited about this one because Corbett tends to draw these beautiful pieces. The closest I could describe Corbett's work is it's a little like Audrey Kawasaki's work but darker and intense.
Monies: US$20
Labels: artists
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
The Hell?

This looks cool but what the hell is that?

Monies: US$30
Labels: american apparel, animals, hoodie
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
This is the Post Where I Relent
Hell and damnation. I already told you if you want to send me something of interest, please let it not be Cafepress in nature. I don't like Cafepress of their clause that if after a period of using their service, should you drop them, they still have the right to use your items without credit for their own marketing. This is just one bugaboo among others.
Then, comes someone like Detour Designs that have some killer art and execution that I had to give in.
But just this once.
Now, some of the designs are by no means original. I've see them before. Example:

This is Threadless.
And so on.
The upside to this is the quality of the art from Detour Designs. I'm a little discombobulated that artwork of this level is selling through Cafepress.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Genghis Khan Has a Horde

I think it would be a near idea to see Genghis' horde go up against Andre's posse. It would be like the Crips versus the Bloods. Or the Jets versus the Sharks with less show tunes and choreographed dancing and more stabbing.
Monies: US$14
Labels: artists, celebrity, obey clone
Friday, April 11, 2008
Artifex Comes Back

Artifex released two new designs, one of which, is Wind Power.
On top of that, they have an Earth Day Sale until April 26. Within that period, shirts will be marked down 25%, and everything else 50%. Shipping is also free on orders over $40.
Monies: US$15
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
God is in the Details

I like to introduce you to GodSend Clothiers. The idea behind the site is to promote good fashion and above all else, the message of charity toward your fellow brethren. 25% of their net proceeds goes toward various charitable organizations.
This t-shirt is inspired by Indonesian block prints. The intricate pattern is a feast for the eyes. It may look busy but there's order in the chaos.
Monies: US$35.95
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
"Of Shoes--And Ships--And Sealing-Wax..."

One of our favorite designers, Alex Dakoulas of Dance Party Massacre, has a new shirt for pre-order. The release of the shirt is in collaboration with H.E.L.L. (Helping Everyone Live Longer).
What is H.E.L.L., you ask? It's a non-profit group that provides a helmet for cyclists, who could not afford one. This organization came about when two fellow cyclists and friends, of H.E.L.L. creator Zack Smith, were killed on the streets while riding their bikes.
Any purchase of Dakoulas' new shirt, 10% of the profits will be donated to H.E.L.L. so they can give out free helmets and help save lives. If you wish to preorder this design at a discounted price of $24, we will ship the shirts first thing Monday, April 21st—a week before all the new designs are released.
Monies: US$24

Another piece of sombre announcement - with the war in Iraq going into its fifth year, for every purchased LIERAQ shirt through April 30, Progresswear will give a portion of their profits to Veterans for Peace.
For a 5-year anniversary, it's a much better gift than wood.
Monies: US$14.99
Labels: artists
Monday, April 07, 2008
A Good Start to the Week
Let's start this Monday off with a bang shall we?

Grace, who handles promotion from Eio Clothing, likes to taunt me with their cool sexy parties (see above) knowing full well that I can never set foot on England soil because of my unfathomable hatred for the Spice Girls.

Monies: £29.95 or US$60

Monies: US$58

Monies: US$19

Not to nit-pick but Bang Bang call this their Ninja T-Shirt, which is disparate from Shaolin kung fu. I'm just saying.
Monies: £13.99 or US$28
If you mofos have anything you want to make known, feel free to shoot us an e-mail.
Except, you, Carl. Please stop stuffing our inbox with pictures of your wiener. It wasn't funny during the first seven times.
Labels: a whole lot of crap, american apparel, animals, asian, charity, movie, not made in america
Friday, April 04, 2008
Loco Motive

I never did like Thomas the Tank Engine. I mean, the train has a face! And not any ordinary face. It's a face of... pure Satanic evil.
GlennzTees (in association with Austin-based Despair, Inc) showcased a perfect example of Thomas in the throes of his bloodlust.
And no, my hatred for Thomas the Tank Engine has nothing to do with the accidental death of my great-great-granduncle who was killed building the tracks.
Monies: US$19.95
Labels: vehicle
Thursday, April 03, 2008
The Rule of the Best

What I like about Thriving Ink is the collaboration with other artists. I especially like this one called The Aristocrat not only because of it's stunning commentary about the horrors of war but also because it reminds me of a dirty joke.
And a dirty joke is always welcomed in times of bullets and bloodshed.
Monies: US$19.95
Labels: american apparel, animals, skeletons