So Many Shirts and Only One Body
Where I chronicle the multitudinous array of t-shirts of various pictorials and witty sayings. Also posts of wonderment!
Building Better T-Shirts

I just watched Aliens Vs. Predator: Requiem or as the very lazy would say, "AVP R" and I remembered this t-shirt from Last Exit To Nowhere. Their M.O. is a little similar to Found Item Clothing but this British shop specializes in making t-shirts inspired by the movies (see: Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Shaun of the Dead).
Some of your Sci-Fi geeks might remember Weyland-Yutani Corp from the Alien series and it's a little cool to see this and others on Last Exit.
Monies: £17.50 or US$35
FYI: A Wikipedia post about Weyland-Yutani and the origins of the name.
Labels: movie, not made in america
I know it's part of Jenky Productions' ABC Alphabet Series but if you get the largest sized t-shirt and you'll be almost the spitting image of Alvin from the Chipmunks.
Heavens, no! Not those abominations.
That's more like it.
Monies: US$16
Labels: american apparel, movie
Rebus on a T-Shirt
T-Shirts can be puzzles too! Take this little neat rebus from ohno clothing in Sweden. Do you know what catchy tune it's displaying?
Monies: €23 or US$34
Labels: music, not made in america
What I Got - Retro Campaigns
Ever wish for the good old days where (most) politicians do not lie through their smiles? Those were simpler times when a handshake is a handshake and not the discreet palming of payola.
Retro Campaigns hook is political campaigns of yore. Sounds interesting but how does it look, you ask?
The package.
I immediately fell head over heels when I first set eyes on it. I got a George McGovern tee. Obviously, the t-shirt is supposed to look vintage and it does but it also felt vintage, especially with the printing.
Okay, you know sometimes, you get t-shirts with designs that popped. Literally. Because the printer applied too much ink to the tee. For Retro Campaigns, the printing is consummate. Just the right amount is used so when you run your fingers over the t-shirt, you won't know where the ink start or end.
It's a printing miracle!
The designs are not based on any based on actual campaigns. I'll let Christine Lusey from Retro Campaigns explain.
"For instance, Eugene McCarthy's unofficial 1968 campaign slogan during the New Hampshire Primary was 'Get clean for Gene,' but there was never a button (at last none I found) with that slogan or image based on that, so my designer and I made one up. Some others are based on actual buttons. McGovern and his supporters used buttons with rainbows, doves, the peace sign, etc., for example, so we made shirts incorporating those images. I like to think of it as 're-imagining past campaigns.'"
And besides the swell t-shirt, there were information about George McGovern attached to it.
It's a nice idea - to understand what we are wearing. I didn't know who McGovern was. I just like the design but after reading about him, I have a better appreciation of the guy and his ideals.
I like, nay, love Retro Campaigns. If the upcoming election were to go straight to hell in a hand basket, at least I still have my t-shirt that will remind me of what once was.
And hopefully, what will be in the future.
edit: thanks to my shoddy journalism, apparently designs were based on actual campaigns. Also, designs were based on existing buttons while other campaigns without art sources were invented based on imagery and slogans used by said campaigns.
Labels: political, review

I got to watching the director's cut of Donnie Darko and it's funny, but I prefer the original cut of the movie.
Toronto-based, UBERINDEX has the creepy Frank the rabbit t-shirt on their site but does the t-shirt forfend disaster or something else?
Monies:US$20Labels: movie, not made in america
What I Got - Dance Party Massacre
A while back, I did a post on Alex Dakoulas' new line Dance Party Massacre (DPM) and he was so nice and filled with the joy of Christmas that he sent me a little something something.

Within were...

... badges, t-shirt, stickers and a bunch of cards.

The front of said card...

... and the back. Isn't it nice that you immediately get the gist of the company's manifesto as well as the line-up of what he have to offer.

There are also buttons.

Now I can't get enough of the t-shirt. You don't get to see that kind of blood splatter that often and I'm glad Dakoulas is bringing it back.
I wore that t-shirt in public and someone asked me if that's a band, which it's understandable. Dance Party Massacre does sound like a band. An emo band, if any.
On the inside of the t-shirt is the logo for DPM.
Wait a minute! Zoom in!

Arrgh! There's... still... tag... remnants... must adhere to... new year's resolution... and not be a... bitch about every... little... thing... ack!
Okay. So, overlooking the slight tag remains, this entire package feels so professionally put together, even though the company was launched las Halloween. There's a really nice theme going on. The advertisement doesn't seem in-your-face. You can also see the little details put into this like the card tag attached to the t-shirt....

And for the curious, here's the back...

... and here's the front. Doesn't it look similar? The image of the Gonzo Fist symbol of Hunter S. Thompson immediately comes to mind.
This is the love of horror mixed with tongue set firmly in cheek. Dakoulas respects the genre but also knows how to have fun with it. Designs are printed on high-quality cotton (Dakoulas says it's AA but doesn't want to broadcast it). I'm keen to see the next line of designs he has.
I give this several (severed) thumbs up.
Labels: movie, music, review
Keep A Lid On It

Kev from Under the Hat started out as someone who wants to design t-shirts and after many a refusal from companies, he decided to venture on the tried and test path of self-publishing.
Today, he's still getting the word out but he's climbed much higher than he was many years back. It is the sort of resolve that reminds us that nothing truly is out of reach.
Unless you really suck at it.
(the above image is a sweatshirt)
Monies: £25 or US$50
Labels: not made in america, weird