So Many Shirts and Only One Body

Where I chronicle the multitudinous array of t-shirts of various pictorials and witty sayings. Also posts of wonderment!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

T-Shirts That Would Get You Punch in the Face #3

*t-shirt design doesn't have a black bar, it's there to protect pregnant women, those who haven't finished The Deathly Hallows and people of a nervous disposition.

Maybe this t-shirt will get you set on fire and someone will eventually put it out. With acid.

If you haven't finished the last book in the Harry Potter series, you shouldn't go to the Harry Potter Public Enlightenment Project.

Unless you're a dick or someone with a death wish.

Monies: ₤15 or US$31

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Thursday, September 27, 2007

Something for the Weekend...

The weekend looms around the corner and I've a buttload of work to do before Monday rolls round again.

Here's something to tide you strange bedfellows for the next few days:

Imperfect Articles are having a 50% sale 'til Oct 2. Be swift to get them t-shirts before you're stuck with the extreme sized ones.

Monies: US$17.50

Our Hong Kong friend, mashPOTATO released two new t-shirts Talk to the Hand and Babe, You Are Too Young To Die by Bubi Au Yeung, who does really cute designs.

Monies: US$24.50

We featured Sharp Shirter many posts ago, we didn't think it would hurt to feature them again.

Monies: US$22

Ten Bills has six new designs and have restocked their old lineup. Again, like their namesake, t-shirts go for

From the land that worships Hasselhoff, we have armedangels that deals in fair trade and organic cotton.

Monies: US$40 - US$71

Another European site with an effete name like Glass Boutique catering only to male clientèle (not that's anything wrong with that). I'm digging the Hunter S. Thompson t-shirt.

Monies: US$28

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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Rotten to the Core

I'm glad the Sex Pistols are doing a reunion tour (though I wish they can dig up and reanimate Sid). I'm still gobsmacked from watching The Filth and the Fury, a documentary of the history of the Sex Pistols. Real riveting stuff.

Show your love for the grand-daddies of disestablishment by wearing a tribute from 57thirtythree.

The design isn't a screenprinting. Instead, it's hand stenciled and sprayed making each one as unique as a snowflake.

Sorry. I mean, a punk, rioting snowflake.

Monies: US$55

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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

What I Got - P is for Panda

Lemme tell you, sometimes reviewing stuff has its perks. This made my week. And I've been having a real horrible week. That's what P is for Panda do. It fills your crappy days with flowers and rainbows. Sometimes unicorns.

A little background on P is for Panda. They have a sound profit sharing plan (profits are split three ways: the company, the artist and a charity of the artist's choice) and Chad Pearson, creator of P is for Panda, is also the manager for several musicians.

They sent it out on the 09/11/07 and I got it 09/14/07.

Behold! As I slit the belly of the packaged beast, its contents spilled forth in glorious colors --

Among the extras that came with the t-shirt - a sticker, an info card on what P is for Panda does, a 15 credits for downloading music from and buttons. A lot of buttons. If the world runs on a currency of buttons, I'll be... moderately well-to-do.

Now the t-shirts. I got the Unisex Dirty Panda tee designed by Brian Manley...

... but I want to go in depth with their latest t-shirt designed by Mark Penxa.

Now, when a t-shirt company has a name like P is for Panda, it's assumed that they would have a line-up that's Panda-centric like France's Stereo Panda. This means, they have to come up with a lot of panda variations to keep fresh to the uninitiated public and returning fans. This kind of pigeon-hole tactic may limit you but it'll cause one to be more creative than usual.

But. What if you could rise above your namesake and delve into something that's not predictable. That's what P is for Panda did when they roped in Penxa, who designed the cardinal. By having a t-shirt that isn't oriented around pandas, they've opened up newer avenues of ideas.

It's a wonderful design. With the careful consideration of color and placement, it adds a certain intensity to the cardinal. Note the placement of the splash of red that immediately draws the eyes to the art. I can't stop raving about this. It's well-executed and Penxa does awesome work.

I can't wait to see future designs from this company.

Note: Penxa's designs are limited to 36. Penxa's cardinal prints are also up.

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Sunday, September 23, 2007

"Manny, Manny Calavera... Got No Skin-Ah, Got No Hair-Ah..."

Why is it that the really good adventure games gets shafted so often? I mean, sure them RPG and Halo-what-nots are fun but adventure games like Monkey Island and the Zork series were great. I've wasted many hours just clicking at the mouse and following the story in my youth. What's wrong with youth today? Methinks there's too much of FPSes about. Isn't that particular market saturated? And bring Al Lowe back to Leisure Suit Larry. That last game was a piece of crap, sprinkled with crap with a side of crap. Where's the revitalization of the adventure gaming genre?


Anyway. This t-shirt from Bang! Bang! T-Shirts just tugs the heartstrings of nostalgia. A reminder of a better yesterday.

Monies: £11.99 or approximately US$24

PS: By the by, BB T-Shirts (that's how the cool kids abbreviates) wants you to design a t-shirt with an 80s theme. Winners get money. In English currency!

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Thursday, September 20, 2007

Stamp of Approval

Bollywood always fascinates me. The singing and dancing, it's like your average American musical turned up to eleven. While we wait for Pardon My Hindi to come up with new t-shirts, we have Chor Bazaar to fill up the empty hole that is Desi love.

Monies: US$25


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

On a Special Post for Talk Like a Pirate Day...

Arrgh, me mateys!

Methinks it's prudent to writ up a post to commemorate this day. Here be a sweet t-shirt, which hails from Damned Dollies. Alas, 'tis be only for the wenches.*

Monies: US$26

*I mean that in a very respect-like manner.

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Make up your own damn jokes.

Good ole fashion fistin' from sehubabe. Also from sehubabe is a uterus... mixed with testes.


It'll make more sense when you actually see it.

Monies: 20 Euros or US$28

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Monday, September 17, 2007

What I Got - Tasty Tees

First off, I got this t-shirt from Tasty Tees a few months ago and much apologies to the proprietor, Tobias Crabtree, for taking this long to post this review.

It was delivered via priority mail.


... is a t-shirt designed by RB Morris III; a sticker and a bio card of the artist. Note the sexy lighting. I like the design. It's unconventional, not anything you usually see, after all, Tasty Tees wants to promote art. And what better medium to promote artistry than the canvas of the t-shirt.

There are artists like Jeroen Aertgeerts, who designs under the pseudonym Lady Estelle. He does really cool collage and recently
launched his own website. Then there's RB Morris III.

I appreciate the idea of including the profiles of artists. These days, you don't see that and sometimes you're left wondering who did this design?

Tasty Tees may not appeal to everyone but it's a step in the right direction into appreciating the diversity of art.

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Chopper Says...

Who is Chopper? Well, he's a character played by Ronnie Johns from Australia and those are words to live by.

This Chopper t-shirt comes courtesy of Sweat-Shop Productions. Those guys comes up with very interesting images like Benny Hinn Touched Me (Again); Dot Communism and Peace in the Middle East. It's a pity that those weren't sold as t-shirts.

But to contend with the loss, I'll leave you to acquaint yourself with Chopper going about spreading his wisdom.

Monies: US$30

edit: I'm such an idiot. I was told that Ronnie Johns played a real life character called Mark Brandon "Chopper" Reed. That t-shirt is of the actual character, not Johns.

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Friday, September 14, 2007

Something for the Ladies Part Deux

Slow Loris has something just for the fine ladies out there who wants to wear a t-shirt with well-positioned images on well-positioned body parts.

Monies: US$23

Also, [2 one 5] has a their first ever outfit for the female of the species.

This long-sleeved number does fit the form quite nicely. Mee-ow.*

Monies: US$35

*Sorry. Feeling a little onery tonight.


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Holy Crap

From Bangkok, Huebucket has this marvelous little t-shirt and not only does it look swell, it's also entitled "Holy Crap." Really, that alone should be worth getting.

Monies: US$23.00

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Thursday, September 06, 2007

"Hee Hee"

Now this is a much better representation for health. Have the Pillsbury freak do a little work out like beating on a dhol (drum) all day long. That should trim the doughy dingus then maybe when you do poke him in the sides, you can actually feel his ribs.

Monies: US$21.99

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Wednesday, September 05, 2007


I don't know what's with a woman's obsession with shoes. I know a few of them that have rooms to housed them in. Some even build shrines to them as well.

But I guess it's okay since it doesn't hurt anyone (even though the stilettos are really sharp). I mean, I have an obsession with collecting children's urine and so far nobody complained about it.

Footwear weaponry bought to you by Glim+Glam.

Monies: US$18


Sunday, September 02, 2007

What I Got - Kindred

I must be a good boy recently because look what I got in the mail.

Yes siree, Kindred Clothiers, those talented bastards sent a package. It's real nice, an attractive color. Even the behind of the package attracts the eyes.

"Fresh from the mill" indeed. I could still smell the wood shavings as I opened it.

The design just grabs you, doesn't it? It's clearly Walter Sobchak from The Big Lebowski or if you're not familiar with the works of the Coen brothers, John Goodman from a Halloween episode of Rosanne.

The ink is printed out evenly. I almost never notice the raised image. The logo on the inside of the t-shirt though, seemed like a poor color choice. You can only see it clearly when I adjusts the color contrast accordingly.

But wait! Zoom in near the collar.

What the... it's the remains of a tag. Okay, look. I know it's the cool thing to have a t-shirt without the tag, I dig that but if you're gonna do that, rip the whole tag out. First of all, it's for completion sake. Second, it just mars the quality of the t-shirt. It might not be a big a deal but it's always the little things that matter.

Either remove the whole tag or leave it. That's all I have to rant on the matter.

But it's a pretty swell t-shirt. It's an AA apparel, so you got that slim and comfortable fit. When I wear that t-shirt to school, I get random strangers walk up to me and quote lines from The Big Lebowski. It's nice to connect with people of the same movie taste.

In other news from Kindred - they have a competition where you submit a story for a t-shirt and if you're chosen you and your buddy will get that winning -shirt each. Click here for details.

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