So Many Shirts and Only One Body

Where I chronicle the multitudinous array of t-shirts of various pictorials and witty sayings. Also posts of wonderment!

Monday, March 31, 2008

What I Got - Off the Ledge Tees

I received a package from Off the Ledge Tees. Let's see what we have.

It seem like a trend for t-shirt companies to send their shirts in a ziplock. I know it's not to keep the freshness in. I'm just bemused by this method of packaging.

It says "FREE YOUR INNER MONKEY." This can be taken wrongly. Yes, that's the monkey from Monkeys in a Barrel. The shirt is printed on an AA ringer.

Now this is pretty clever. It took me a while to actually discern this. Probably best if you weren't drinking yourself when you're looking at it.

I like Weezer. I thought the Blue Album was the best thing since bread was sliced. I wasn't crazy about their second album. Did. Not. Like Pinkerton. When I first listened to it, I thought my ears were being raped by demon noises.

But on later repeats, it grew on me. I like Pinkerton. This is the same with Off the Ledge Tees.

The folks behind Off the Ledge Tees never claim they were doing it for critical acclaim. They designed these shirts because it just struck them. They won't win any major award for their art and some might not even make a lick of sense but they are interesting to wear. Take Chainsaws...

It's off-beat and it works in tandem with the image.

They said on their site, "you may not like most of what we have, but there might just be that one shirt that strikes a chord with you."


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